Forming attitudes
The management must lead the way and show through action that they have good attitudes towards HES (Health, Environment and Safety).
Attitudes and behavior are strongly influenced by environment and surroundings. Leaders must be conscious of the fact that they are role models for safety and the development of a safety culture. In order to achieve changes in behavior, the actions of the management must be in line with the desired attitudes.
In order for people to be motivated for change in attitude, it is important that we understand the necessity of the desired change. Information and training is therefore required so that we understand why it is important that we change attitudes and behavior. Safety delegates on board may be good partners for the management in the work of forming attitudes.
Read more about the safety and environmental work in this brochure.
If your shipping company would like to arrange an internal course for safety delegates and members of the working environment committee, check out this guide for course content.
Seamen deserve a safe workplace
Over the last ten years, 129 people have lost their lives in work related accidents on board Norwegian vessels. The Norwegian Maritime Authority wishes to give seamen a safer workplace.
The NMA has therefore adopted «Safer workplace on board» as a special focus area for 2015. The goal is to reduce the number of accidents involving personnel at sea.
Read more about focus areas on the home page of the Norwegian Maritime Authority.
Risk assessment report